Programs / Events
Upcoming Events
Exploring the Archives: Sharing Stories/Building Connections
Do you like talking with Lesbians and learning new viewpoints about Lesbians’ experiences?
For the next year, Wanderground will be working on a project called “Exploring the Archives: Sharing Stories/Building Connections.” We want to gather stories and memories about items, events, or themes represented in our collection.
We are seeking volunteers to help us gather these stories and memories. Complete this form if you’re interested and we’ll be in touch soon!
“Strutting Our Stuff” Pop-Ups
Though we don’t have a permanent physical location (yet), we’re doing our best to provide access and visibility for our collections. We generate interest for Wanderground in various venues around the six-state New England region.
We showcase a sampling of our materials through attractive displays highlighting items of particular interest to the host location. These events include an interactive curator talk and participant discussion. Our recent visits included:
- Western Mass. OLOC Chapter, Northampton, MA
- Providence Public Library and Providence PRIDE Flea, Providence RI
- Newport Pride Center, Newport, MA
- Unitarian Society of New Haven, Hamden, CT
We’d like to visit you too!
Do you live or work in the six-state region of New England (Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, or Maine)? Please encourage your local community center, university, church/synagogue, museums or other similar venue locations to host us. For more details or to make arrangements, please contact

Library Displays
Wanderground has provided special displays in various public libraries. Does your local public or university library (museums or other similar settings) have secure covered cases with changing displays? Please put us in contact with your librarian to arrange for a display of Wanderground materials. We prefer a one-to-three-month time period. For more details or to make arrangements, please contact

We’re creating more opportunities as well – house parties, Zoom events, and more! Watch for more events in the coming months.
Do you have an idea of something you’d like us to do? Contact