DYKE the Halls

December is a time when friends, family, colleagues (and even complete strangers) come together to share joy, festivity, hope, and love.
Rohatsu (Bodhi Day), Chanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Sarasvati are just some of the many celebrations during this time.

Here in the northern hemisphere – we snuggle into warm places against the winter cold and anticipate the returning of the sun.

During this season, we wish you companionship and cheer. 

Yes! DYKE the Halls!

We also wish you peace, time for reflection, and renewal during winter quiet and hibernation.

Thank you for all your on-going support of Wanderground Lesbian Archive/Library. 

We look forward to 2024 and many new opportunities to share our collections, and for connection and networking in the coming year.

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